private investigators


(Updated)How Many Of Your Social Media Friends Have A Key To Your Home?

For those who enjoy posting on Social Media, ask yourself these questions: Have you posted information about where you live,  the names of your children and pets and where you work? Have you posted information about the party you are going to this weekend? What about when your getaway vacation starts or your plans with your children tomorrow? If you posted any of these examples, you need to be aware that you may have provided information that is extremely helpful to hundreds of potential burglars or worse yet, kidnappers. You might as well have posted where you hide that extra key to your home, your social security number and your bank account number on Facebook or Twitter. Try to imagine arriving home to find it in shambles, draws opened; nightstands ransacked, closets torn apart looking like a tornado struck and everything of value taken. You are shocked, terrified and wondering who did this. How did a burglar know when to break-in?  Suddenly panic hits “how can I ever replace everything stolen from me?” When the police arrive, they ask whom you might suspect. Could it be someone you know quite well or casually? Then they will inquire if you are active on Social Media. Assuming you are active; you will soon discover that your list of suspects catapulted into the hundreds. Social media enthusiasts love sharing their life experiences with family, friends and often with anyone who “Friend’s” them. By doing so, they invite virtual strangers into their lives in ways they cannot begin to imagine. Protect Your Personal Information & Property From Social Media Social media enthusiasts need to understand that the more information they provide about themselves on social media, the more likely they will become a target of stalkers, burglars, and kidnappers. Criminals use the information about you and your family to plan their break-in or worse yet, a kidnapping. You must take responsibility for your actions if you continue to expose yourself and your family by posting your whereabouts and plans for the future. You should enjoy your social media and interaction with your friends and family without revealing a timetable for future plans. It is a lot safer to post about the good time you had after the trip, or the event is over. Police are usually overwhelmed with investigations of home invasions and burglaries many of which are associated with social media, while others could be random acts or inside jobs. We are confident you do not want to be a burglary victim who is compelled to wait weeks or months for an overwhelmed police department to start investigating your case. No one is suggesting that you stop enjoying your social media. However, you need to be aware that you can become a victim of a crime because you revealed too much personal information on your social media. What to do if the police cannot help you? Should you experience a long delay for the police to get around to your case, you might want to contact a private investigator in your area to begin looking into your case. Social media enthusiasts, may not be aware of the consequences of posting updates on Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites about their every move, or their latest adventure. They might as well distribute keys to their home to hundreds of strangers if they continue posting status reports. Social media presents an abundance of opportunities to steal your identity as well as breaking into your home. Plans referencing going out of town open your door to a burglary or worse yet; you may leave your family vulnerable to assault or robbery. Have you ever considered that the videos you posted of your family on YouTube provided a tremendous insight and observation of your family and your home? You should take into consideration that any video you upload to the Internet will provide information to certain deranged individuals who might act out on fulfilling their sick fantasies or criminal intent. Having an adorable child of any age that some mentally disturbed individual thinks should be theirs is a reality to be aware of.  Even sharing the name of your pet, enables a perpetrator to friend your pet, kidnap your pet and even harm your pet. So why offer the world the name of your pet? Think about that!

confirming infidelity

Confirming Infidelity: Are You Delusional or is Your Partner Cheating on You?

You have an uncomfortable feeling that your life’s partner is unfaithful to you and that they are cheating. You made up your mind to confront your partner and asked if they are unfaithful.   IS YOUR PARTNER A CHEATER? Learn how to confirm infidelity in your relationship Your partner replied, “are you delusional?” You expected a denial but not such a harsh response. That answer moves you closer to contemplating severing the relationship knowing it will break your heart not to mention how afraid you are of being alone again. Every fiber in your body is telling you that you cannot remain in a relationship when there is no longer trust. You question, which is worse, having no trust or being alone?   It is time for you to learn whether your intuition is correct and if your partner is not the person you thought they were or is their alternative attitude attributable to something else that is disturbing them. Confirm infidelity within your relationship now so that you can gain peace of mind. HERE IS A LIST OF THE INFIDELITY SERVICES WE PROVIDE Infidelity Investigations Cheating Spouse Investigations Surveillance Investigations Civil and Criminal Investigations Locate Investigations Executive Background Investigations Employee Misconduct Workers’ Compensation Fraud You owe it to yourself not to bury your head in the sand pretending you are in a perfect relationship. The emotional turmoil you are experiencing is affecting your relationship with your children, your health, your career and your appetite. You can no longer enjoy your downtime because the thought of the person you love cheating on you has taken over your life and that has to come to an end. Let us help you confirm infidelity so that you can get back to what matters. CONFIRMING INFIDELITY: HERE IS HOW TO GET THE TRUTH You may have watched a TV show about catching cheaters and seeing the jilted partner go ballistic after finding their lover with someone else. In real life, there is no need for hysterics. Your safest option is to retain the services of a highly regarded private investigator who has excellent references and testimonials from their clients. It is also advisable to check if they have a Better Business Bureau rating. Upon making your selection of a good infidelity private investigator, you should compare their fees and experience. Almost all investigators charge an hourly fee plus mileage. Be wary of any investigator who quotes a flat fee because they may not devote all the surveillance hours that are necessary. The infidelity private detective you select should present you with a written retainer agreement that describes the services you requested, naming your partner, the surveillance dates and the hours dedicated to the surveillance. A qualified infidelity private investigator should ask you for: A recent photo of your partner The make, model, color and license plate of your partner’s car The address where your partner lives (if not with you) The name and address where your partner work’s The hours he/she works, start time and end time Whether your partner follows a regimental routine such as going to a gym or on a run The name of any person he/she may be involved with The address of the individual, your partner, might be seeing The hours your partner leaves and usually returns home Ask the private investigator if they have a covert camera for videotaping activities inside of a restaurant, hotel, nightclub or bar. The investigator should voluntarily tell you that they will take “integrity video” every hour on the hour to establish their location as evidence to the fact that they are indeed working the hours you retained them for and the video will show their location which should correspond with their written report. Without integrity video, you will not know if the investigator put in the hours you paid for.   HOW INFIDELITY SURVEILLANCE WORKS Only a very experienced private investigator should be selected to conduct infidelity surveillance on your behalf because knowing how to conduct an infidelity surveillance takes years of on the job experience. Surveillance should only start very early in the morning while your partner is still at home and has not yet departed their residence. The investigator will take up a strategic surveillance position near your partner’s home long before your partner leaves. The video will commence upon your partner’s departure from home. Video will be filmed of everything your partner did and of everyone your partner met throughout the day and evening. USEFUL TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR SURVEILLANCE OUTCOME Be forthright with your investigator, do not be afraid to tell them how and why you came to suspect they are being unfaithful. Your investigator should assure you and also memorialize it in writing, that everything you say to them will be kept confidential. Share any information you may have in your possession such as unfamiliar telephone numbers found in your partner’s devices along with any suspicious emails, text messages and provocative photos. Check if your partner is using Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter to communicate with persons unknown to you. Any information in those areas could be very valuable to help your investigator familiarize themselves with people your partner might be meeting. It is important to tell your investigator where your partner usually goes to on the day’s they will be followed, such as a doctor’s appointment, a gym, a park a movie and etcetera. In summary, almost all persons subjected to infidelity will state “that not knowing is worse than knowing.”


Locate Someone With the Help of a Private Investigator

PEOPLE NEEDING PEOPLE As an international private investigation firm, we often receive requests from clients to conduct a locate investigation to find an ex-girlfriend, boyfriend, ex-spouse or relative who they allegedly lost contact with.  We are in the business of finding people for those who are reaching out to find that special someone. However, we make sure their intentions are legitimate, and they are not using us to find someone they want to cause harm to. It is a tremendous responsibility to reveal a person’s location without first making sure they want to be found. ETHICAL & MORAL RESPONSIBILITIES  We have a professional and moral obligation as licensed private investigators to make certain that anyone asking us to locate someone has a valid reason or evidence to substantiate their purpose in wanting to find that person. Aside from legal issues such as locating a witness for an attorney, it is our policy to be upfront with anyone wanting to locate someone from their past that we upon finding that person, will ask their permission to release their contact information. If the subject of the locate assignment grants us authorization to release their contact information fine. Conversely, if the subject does not under any circumstance want us to release their location we will not. There are several ways in which to confirm whether a person has a legitimate reason to find someone. Some folks can provide evidence that they are either a relative or they can give us a notarized court document that clearly states a legal reason for them to find that person. UNETHICAL OR ILLEGAL MOTIVES Often, individuals who are owed money call us to locate a debtor and claim they have a court judgment. That caller must provide us with proof of their court judgment, or we will refuse to conduct their investigation. For requests other than a court judgment or any other legal and binding reason we exercise extreme caution by advising the client in advance that if the subject they asked us to find does not want their contact information released, we will not release their information. STALKERS- OBSESSED FANS- DERANGED INDIVIDUALS  It is scary how many times we receive requests from so-called prospective clients that have no court documentation or legitimate reason to locate someone other than a wrong idea. Those people refuse to accept our terms. You need not wonder why as it’s quite evident. In almost all instances, that prospective client had an ulterior motive for wanting to locate someone that very well may lead to a criminal act as occurred in the past with Amy Boyer in 1989  murdered by an obsessed stalker who shot himself after firing fifteen hollow point bullets into Amy’s head. Or the man who obsessed over actress Rebecca Shaeffer and killed her as she answered her front door in West Hollywood, California. That killer is in prison for life. Both of those murderers obtained their contact information from online public databases. Today, most online public databases are outdated or inaccurate.

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