Estate Security Services

Worldwide Intelligence Network is the Gold Standard for the finest Residential Estate Security and Bodyguard Services companies in Los Angeles. We have been protecting high-profile, high-net worth, celebrities, athletes, international entrepreneurs, foreign visitors to Los Angeles, and popular political commentators for the past twenty-eight years.

Estate Security & Bodyguard Services

Upon meeting with a prospective Estate Security client, we offer a complimentary Risk Assessment of the estate which includes speaking with all the adult family members and the estate’s staff. It is essential for us to know if any of the family members or staff have ever been verbally or physically threatened and whether any unauthorized persons ever gained assess onto the estate grounds or the main residence.Our assessment will include a thorough examination of the estate’s perimeter, the estate grounds, accessibility to the primary residence and the proximity to main thoroughfares and community streets. Crime statistics will be obtained from the local police departments. We will examine existing alarm system, CCTV cameras, safe rooms fire exits, electric or manual gates, guard house and all communications. Upon being retained, and with the client’s permission we’ll ask to conduct an in-depth background investigation on all personnel working on the estate.

Bodyguards Assigned To Estate Security

Worldwide Intelligence Network’s Personal Protection Specialists assigned to Estate Security are former or off duty law enforcement officers, former dignitary protection agents for the United States Government, Military Veterans, and former Federal agents from America and around the globe.

Here Is What Some of Our Clients Say About Us

Thank you for the great team you put together, both guys were really professional and knew what they were doing. We will definitely be using your services again.
Everything went smoothly, and without incident, your team was great and between them, my team and the local police, we had the venue locked down pretty tight. Take care,
Daniel Heydenrych
Director of Security, Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver
I want to thank you for your superb services and to tell you that I appreciate all you have done for me over many years first by providing excellent Bodyguards for my wedding reception, and assisting me with the removal fraudulent Yelp reviews. I truly appreciate your service and have always trusted you.
Kevin T.
President Save-on Insurance Services, Inc.
Panopoly Pictures Inc. has retained Worldwide Intelligence Network to provide executive protection and security and has found them to be of the highest level of professionalism. They handle each case on an individual basis, perform the background research required to ensure they know all the facts, perceived risks and then formulate a plan to address each concern.
Dave Riggs
CEO Panopoly Pictures
Hi Robert – Adam the Bodyguard you assigned to me was absolutely wonderful. I felt really stressed going in to today. He made me feel completely comfortable and completely safe. In his presence I was no longer apprehensive. I knew if anything went wrong he had a plan. If I had the money I’d hire him full time!!! Thanks for assigning him to me for this engagement.
Ms. Jenn J
Dualstar Entertainment Group, LLC retained Robert Mann and Worldwide Intelligence Network (“WIN”) to provide risk assessment, residential security design, and implementation and personal protection for Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen for a nine-month period in 2002-2003.During that period, personal security and advance security preparations were performed in Los Angeles, Rome, Australia, and Mexico with no adverse security incidents occurring.
Gary S Rattet
Attorney, Dualstar Entertainment Group LLC
With the service we received from Worldwide, not only did we feel our CEO and artists were protected but each employee felt safe and comfortable. Worldwide provided professional and experienced agents who proactively secured our safety and made all of us feel at ease.
Stephanie Stilwell
Irvin Naturals
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