Elite Anti-Stalker Task Force

Elite Anti-Stalker Task Force

We are an Anti-Stalker Task Force comprised of an elite group of investigators and bodyguards many of whom are former law enforcement officers with years of experience in the field of personal protection and stalking investigations. The sole purpose of the Anti-Stalker Task Force is to keep you safe, so you don’t have to live in fear any longer.

Are You A Victim of Stalking?

If you feel threatened by unwanted attention from a person you know or one you do not know who has been invading your private physical space then you are a stalking victim and we will stop your stalker. If an individual continually gets unnervingly close to you or tried to perpetrate acts of violence against you while you were at home, walking on a street or at work, we take those threats to your safety very seriously, and we will protect you!

Stalking is a serious crime that can cause depression and hopelessness. While we recommend all stalking victims first turn to the police, but there are times when law enforcement is overwhelmed and cannot provide the manpower necessary to watch over you and to bring your stalker to justice. That’s when our Anti-Stalker Task Force comes in.

Our Anti-Stalker Task Force is designed to help you reclaim your life. You should not have to be afraid of going to the store, on an errand, or to a movie. You have every right to feel free from harm. We can provide you with personal protection, perform an in-depth background investigation on the stalker, and place the stalker under surveillance to make sure they do not go anywhere near you. In the event legal action is taken, all of our investigative efforts will be made available to you and the police along with all the evidence we gather.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

For 28+ years, Worldwide Intelligence Network has been a trusted name in private investigation, proudly ranked among the top 5 firms in the U.S. by Condé Nast and rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. Whether you need help with legal matters, infidelity cases, or background checks.
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