hiring a private detective

odyguard Services New York Los Angeles

Why The Bodyguard Is Important

Can you imagine how terrorizing it is to know someone out there is seeking to harm you or your loved ones? Who can you trust to protect you and your family? You would need someone who has been trained and has the skills and experience to keep you and your family safe no matter what the risk is. Yes, it would be a top-notch Bodyguard. Bodyguards are not only for the rich and famous. When you see a Bodyguard walking alongside their client, you might not know what tasks the Bodyguard dealt with before that walk takes place. The first thing a Bodyguard does is to conduct an advance survey of the exact area and streets their client will be going to. They will check the environment to determine if the area is safe enough for their client to be in. They will see how often the police patrol the designated area where their client intends to go. Nearby emergency hospitals are researched in case their client has to be transported to an emergency room. Should the client be meeting with business associates whom he/she is unfamiliar with, the Bodyguard will contact an investigation company to conduct an in-depth background investigation on the persons their client will be meeting with to make sure those people are of a good moral character and that they have no criminal record or multiple civil lawsuits. Also, they will plan travel routes and conduct an advanced survey of the building, rooms and vehicles their client will be entering, to look for any potential danger. Depending upon the client determines whether one or more Bodyguards are required. A team of Bodyguards is usually assigned when a severe risk is known such as someone who had tried to attack the client previously or is obsessed with the client and has been stalking them. Bodyguards also protect public officials, high-net-worth individuals, and celebrities primarily to prevent kidnapping, assassination, theft, and assaults. Bodyguards are trained to react quickly in an emergency and can make immediate decisions. They stay close to their clients at all times while keeping an eye on their surroundings, and making sure suspicious people are at a distance. Before entering a building or a meeting place, the Bodyguard will carefully survey the environment, and will know the best way to exit a building with their client should the need arise. Bodyguards are also responsible for planning driving routes for their clients to make sure that their clients arrive and leave destinations safely and do not enter undesirable neighborhoods. At Worldwide Intelligence Network we have made it our mission to keep our clients safe by providing the best bodyguard services with years of experience, our professionals ensure your security and offer superb quality services.


27 Things I Learned from My 27 Years of Experience as a Private Detective

I have 27 years experience as a Los Angeles Private Investigator and a New York Private Investigator. Our profession is also referred to as private detectives. During those 27 years  I learned a great deal, trained others and I successfully solved thousands of investigation assignments. What follows is sharing my experience over the past 27 years with you the reader.     Author, Robert Mann, Director of  Worldwide Intelligence Network 1. Hiring a private detective is a daunting job because there are so many to choose from in each city. 2. We know that people interested in hiring a private investigator  have a daunting challenge ahead of them to find the right one. 3. Private investigation is the most challenging work I have ever experienced. 4. When anyone sets out to hire private detective services, they rely on that detective to come through for them by accomplishing their goal 5. When someone decides to hire one of our private detectives for an undercover investigation we are determined to learn as much as possible about how their business functions so we appear to fit in without arousing suspicion. 6. When conducting a counterfeit investigation we are often required to learn about the technology and engineering that went into producing the client’s product for us to know how to identify whether the goods we uncovered is in fact counterfeit. 7. Thousands of people around the world hire private investigators every day of the year for one thing or another. 8. Many people calling for the services of a Private Detective the very first time do not know how to properly explain their issue and they should be guided through the process by the private detective as to how to explain their concerns adequately. 9. More often than not, when I’m speaking with a potential client interested in hiring me as their private detective I sometimes find myself getting caught up emotionally in their misfortune or tragedy. Should I decide to accept their assignment, then i commit to doing all I can to find a path that will help that client. 10. People who are interested in hiring me as their private detective are usually emotionally upset. The key to client satisfaction in my opinion after all these years is very simple. When a client expresses how grateful they are for the investigative work we did and also how proud they are for having chose us rather than the other private detectives they spoke to. Last but certainly not least is their appreciation of how we performed to their expectations and that we came through to provide them with the information they sought. 11. There are so many things a private detective learns with each new assignment. The first thing a private detective learns is when accepting an investigative assignment from a client it is a serious commitment and responsibility. That client is relying upon their private detective to achieve the goal of their investigative assignment. 12. With every new client, we learn something new. Each investigation we accept is a fresh challenge to us because their is no cookie cutter approach to investigations. Each one is unique, important and must always be taken seriously. 13. Instinct is a vital attribute for a private detective to have along with having years of experience. Clients should ask the private detective who they are thinking of  hiring  about their experience to make certain the private detective has the experience to handle their investigative assignment. 14. The private detective should never tell a prospective client they can and will accomplish what the client asked for when it is impossible to know how a case will turn out. There is no exact science to private investigations. As an example, what makes an exceptional police detective stand out among his peers is years of working cases, learning new things every day and not forgetting what was learned. 15. To be a great private detective, you have to love what you do;  treat your clients with respect and understanding. 16. You can never promise results, and you should always make yourself available to your client. 17. Responding within the shortest period of time is crucial for a client because the client is emotionally invested in their case and is usually on pins and needles wanting to know how their investigation is going. Clients should expect updates when hiring a private detective. 18. Above all else, not matter how the case is going, whether it’s going well or not, the private detective must never mislead or lie to a client. 19. The private detective relies a great deal upon confidential resources. The more sources they have the more likely certain investigative outcomes will turn out for the better. Sources are contacted when customary intelligence gathering is not an option. It is imperative to know a source well and to be able to rely on their information. 20. A professional private detective never reveals his confidential source to a client or anyone else. 21. It is imperative to have top notch field operatives who are trustworthy and skilled at what they do. Usually field operatives conduct surveillance investigations  which is a very challenging and difficult task. 22. Private detectives who conduct surveillance investigations come in all shapes and sizes but what matters most is how good they are at their job. A client seeking to hire a private detective should ask about the private detective’s surveillance experience. 23. I recall speaking to a former FBI agent who told me that they once were following a suspect with five agents in five vehicles and a helicopter. They were in heavy rush hour traffic and as incredible as this  may sound, that suspect evaded the entire surveillance team and got away. 24. Nowadays we watch police chases nearly every day on TV with dozens of police and highway patrol cars following a suspect along with TV, and Police helicopters above. It is amazing when we watch a suspect get away in spite of all

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